Stop Just Treating Symptoms, Treat Your Whole Health

  • 15X More Effective Primary Care than the National Average* at preventing and catching diseases like cancer and heart disease, the 2 biggest killers in the U.S.

  • 3-Hour Initial Comprehensive Research & Analysis into a Patient’s Historical & Genetic Health

  • Unlimited & Personal On-Call Access and Primary Care to a Highly Experienced Physician for a Year. Contact the Doctor at One’s Convenience for a Year.

  • The Program is Provides Fully Personalized Healthcare to a Patient’s Health, Current Needs, as well as Future Needs

  • Utilizing the Latest Technology & Knowledge to Prevent & Screen for Diseases before they Occur on an On-going Basis.

  • A Full Personal Risk Evaluation with Precision Medicine to Understand What Diseases and Ailments You’re Personally At-Risk For, and a Follow-Up Plan as well as Screening to Address any Risks or Concerns.


Get a Comprehensive Assessment of your Health and Wellness.

Our 3-hour physical exam covers a patient’s genetic, environmental, nutritional and emotional health. In additional to personalized attention to one’s medical history, Dr. Levandovsky takes the time to educate patients on their medical conditions, predispositions, and prognosis; focusing on empowerment rather than a traditional prescriptive approach.

Dr. Levandovsky Incorporates 3-Generations of Family Genetic History with Lifestyle and Environmental Exposures.

A comprehensive nutritional and fitness assessment that covers eating habits and physiology are also reviewed.

In Order to Impact Change, Dr. Levandovsky Focuses on Patients’ Choices and the Reasons Behind Why We Do, Eat and Interact the Way We Do

How those decisions and actions impact our health and wellness, and how to make meaningful change.




Welcome to a new, unique-type of cutting-edge concierge-style healthcare that is focused on providing you with quality, comprehensive, and integrative care, tailored completely to your unique health needs. Dr. Levandovsky MD invests the time to understand your personal health portrait and offers his extensive expertise to address your individualized needs and concerns.


Key Highlights

-Unlimited, ongoing access to Dr. Mark Levandovsky MD, top-rated internist, oncologist and hematologist with 20 years of experience.

-Fully proactive and comprehensive screening and evaluation for cancer, blood diseases, and cardiovascular risk- as well as an array of other life changing conditions.

-Full genetic and molecular evaluation with review of your exposures and risks.

-Top notch evaluation, supported by latest evidence-based medical research and practice.

A New Way to Practice Medicine


  • Unlimited & immediate access to your personal physician.

  • Unlimited personal attention to your medical needs.

  • Comprehensive analysis of your health and wellness.

  • Healthcare not limited by insurance.

  • Thorough & personalized analysis of patients that prevents cancer, diseases, and other conditions from manifesting in the body.


What is the Difference Between Concierge Primary Care at PMCC, and Traditional Primary Care?

Time // There are no metered deadlines and timetables, no rush to get the appointment done in 15 minutes. The program is designed to provide each patient with the time that they need to receive comprehensive care.

Insurance Guidelines // At PMCC, we aren’t limited by generic insurance guidelines which have blanket population-based policies, we practice a purely personalized medicine tailored to each patient.

Relationship and Approach // Building a solid relationship between patient and doctor is a core value at PMCC and we’ve noticed the difference.

Expertise // Dr. Levandovsky is triple-boarded (Oncology, Hematology, and Internal Medicine) which provides patients an array of expertise for various conditions that could otherwise be missed by traditional medicine.

Equipment // We leverage an array of modern detection, imaging, testing, and biomarker analysis that is world-class, allowing us to leverage precision medicine as necessary to each patient’s needs.


Is Integrative Concierge Care Right for Me? 8 Questions to Find Out.

Take this quick assessment to see if concierge medicine is a good fit for you.


Contact the Office Regarding Questions and Information, or Continue Below for Program Details.

Benefits of Integrative and Concierge Medicine

What is an Integrative Approach in Medicine?

An integrative approach in healthcare considers the whole person, not just one’s current symptoms. Our program is designed to pursue overall health and wellness, with the goal of healthy aging and an active lifestyle. Dr. Mark Levandovsky understands how your physical health impacts your mind and spirit, by addressing the emotional health, we can make significant, meaningful impact on our physical health and wellness.

For Dr. Levandovsky, treating a medical condition is not just about addressing your physical symptoms, it’s about resolving the underlying issues for real and lasting relief. On par with traditional Western treatment options, Dr. Levandovsky focuses on lifestyle changes and natural healing techniques that help patients improve their quality of life.

What is the Goal of our Screening Program?

The goal is really to improve the quality of life for our patients. Often times the first step towards achieving that is to identify what needs to be improved, where change starts. Dr. Mark Levandovsky’s thorough evaluation of your physical and emotional health is designed to take a pro-active approach in understanding how to help you live your life to the fullest. Whatever your problem can be, mood disturbances, fatigue/low-energy, weight gain, chronic pain, insomnia (just to name a few), Dr. Levandovsky will explore the underlying contributing causes to help find a meaningful solution that aims to improve the quality of your life.

Why is Preventive Medicine Important?

Preventive medicine is your investment in your future. Many diseases have a different prognosis depending on the stage of detection. Conditions diagnosed later, in a more advanced stages, typically have quite different outcomes in terms of treatment, survival, and quality of life as compare to the ones diagnosed much earlier. Being proactive and emphasizing screening/prevention BEFORE significant problems appear on the horizon is an amazing investment in your health and a contributor to active golden years.

As a physician with 20 years of experience, Dr. Levandovsky understands that your needs in preventive care change from year-to-year as your health-needs evolve. It’s important to realize that your essential needs always stay the same: a thorough wellness exam every year, screening tests based on your age, family history and other risk factor assessments… and last but not least, as your personal physician, a life-long partner in health who knows you and your needs.


“In the past, I’ve always felt rushed with my doctors who were eager to treat symptoms, I’ve never before had someone sit-down with me for 2 hours and actually talk about my whole health.
-Kimberly Benfield, Patient



What are Patients Saying

“The initial consultation was nothing that I’d ever expected it would be. I thought it would be the you know, the usual 5 to 10 minutes, instead it was like 3 to 4 hours. and… I couldn’t believe all of the tests that were done… and when we got done, he had a full picture of who I am.

-Bob Marks, Patient | View All Reviews


About Preventive Medicine and Cancer Care | Denver, CO

Integrative Approach to Prevention and Treatment

Preventive Medicine and Cancer Care is a concierge medical practice dedicated to your physical health and wellness. Imagine a doctor who’s as interested in your state of mind as in your symptoms. A doctor who prescribes lifestyle changes as well as pharmaceuticals. And one who keeps you well rather than just treats an illness. For anyone seeking a top-notch personal health advocate for primary care, cancer screening or cancer care, it’s absolutely essential.


Today, approximately half of all people will develop an invasive cancer at some point in their lives. That sobering statistic begs the question: How will you keep from being part of the half who does? Everyone knows the basics – eat right, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking. But what if you could pinpoint your specific chances of developing a serious illness and follow a customized program of prevention?

Dr. Mark Levandovsky understands that illness prevention and overall health relies upon a partnership approach between physician and patient. His concierge medical practice is devoted to this philosophy, focusing on disease prevention services and a “total care” approach. He incorporates nutritional counseling and lifestyle modifications into his care recommendations. Patients’ well being and active lifestyle well into old age are the paramount goals for the practice. It’s his dedication to patient education and overall wellness – as well as a fierce independence from insurance-based standards of care – that sets Dr. Levandovsky apart from typical health care providers.

About the Medical Director, Dr. Mark Levandovsky MD

Dr. Levandovsky received his medical degree from University of California Irvine School of Medicine and has been in practice for 17 years. He began his medical career at the University of California Davis Medical Center in Sacramento and has helped cancer patients across the country, including at Weill Cornell-New York Presbyterian Hospital in New York City and the Alaska Cancer Treatment and Research Center in Anchorage, Alaska. Most recently, Dr. Levandovsky served as the Head of Breast and Urologic Oncology at St. Mary’s Medical Cancer Center in Grand Junction, Colorado.


Visit our Contact Us page to get in touch.


Journal of Health Services Research, 2007.

*Statistically, the average primary care doctor is able to catch diseases and health issues for 1% of his or her patients